Inter-generational gifts and wounds are carried by all of us. Our pain patterns are so often an echo of ancient ancestral traumas. Obsidian’s intention is to clear outdated and unconscious patterns and land new codes. We track back through the quantum field of time to the very seed of the issue. Sensing and feeling the ancestors, resonating through the body, the field brings out what needs to be seen. We rewire our own system as we resonate another’s. Through witnessing and honouring, entanglements are released with deep grace and renewed life-force surges through. Shifts ripple out into our world.
What to expect:
Over this weekend we will dive deep into patterns that are holding us back from our full potential, in love, in relating, sexuality, business or money. Bring whatever you desire to shift in your life. Whether you are resonating or having your own specific process, your intentions for this workshop will likely be brought to fruition.
Everyone will need an attendance ticket: Being present in Obsidian Constellation work is a gift that cannot be fully expressed in words, but felt in the body and soul. As you serve in the space, Obsidian gives back in deep reciprocity.
Sacred Witness: It is truly an honour to be present to these ceremonies where we create the intention to find the ancient ancestral source of the pattern you desire to shift. We witness the past, in honour and reverence, and hold space whilst it's transmuted and the new code is brought through.
Resonating: If you are drawn in to be a representative in a constellation (at your choosing), you will be resonating an aspect that needs to be seen in the system. To temporarily express the feelings, senses and embodiment of another being, often in another lifetime, is profound and the experience is like no other, somehow changes the way we relate to ourselves, our compassion for ourselves and others.
Resonators often feel that they receive the shifts they desired, without the need for a direct constellation.
What to expect if you choose for your constellation to be explored: Choosing to have your own constellation is commiting to the intention to clear a life-long pattern or serious issue. This is likely to be an echo of a deep ancestral trauma. We track back through the Quantum field of time and your system will reveal to us what needs to be seen, and why this issue was too much to process emotionally at that time. The shifts that arise are felt in the body in the moment. Integration of the shifts take many forms, some more instant and others can take a few months.
Isy is available if you would like to discuss whether to book an attendance ticket only or in addition, choose to have your own constellation (limited in number). Rest assured that attending and resonating in Obsidian for others, is a profound and empowering experience.
If you purchase a constellation ticket, we will book an hour intake session BEFORE the event so Isy can be clear about your intentions around the issue you desire to address. The price of the constellation ticket also includes a complementary hour on zoom after the event should you feel you need integration support.
This event will run over two days on:
Saturday 16 November 9am - 5pm and;
Sunday 17 November 9am - 5pm.
About your facilitator: Isy Gabriel - @isygabriel
Isy is a renowned facilitator, trainer, and practitioner with over 40 years of experience in personal growth. Her journey began with PhD research in psychology and evolved into an eclectic mix of bodywork, shamanism, tantra, shadow work, and family constellations. As the founder of Obsidian Quantum Constellations, Isy’s work delves into the ancestral trauma that shapes our lives today, offering quantum shifts that are deep and often life-changing. She is now training facilitators in this work. Known for her zeal to address taboo topics such as sexuality, Isy’s mission is to clear unconscious coding that limits our life force, bringing greater aliveness and freedom and contributing to the evolution of human consciousness.
Things to note:
Centre of You has plenty of bolsters, blankets, and cushions for you to get cosy with. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose clothes to enable deep breathing and sitting/laying upon the floor with ease. A journal is recommended as are any familiar personal items that will aid you in feeling grounded (crystal, teddy, scarf, etc).
Personal responsibility: Please make an assessment on whether you are feeling stable and resourced enough to explore the practices on offer in this event.
Arrival: Endeavour to arrive between 8:45am - 9:00am on both days. To preserve the experience for all involved, doors will close at 9:15am. Truly, it breaks our heart to have to turn latecomers away yet the disruption to the whole group experience by virtue of lateness does require management. We ask that you find understanding and consideration for the timebound nature of the container and make every effort to arrive on time.
Driving: Centre of You is located upon Chapel Street and while you may get lucky with an untimed spot, particularly on a Sunday (try High Street) predominantly 1 and 2 hour parking is available. So you can fully settle into the practice, we suggest you avoid the need to move your car or risk a fine and park at one of the paid parking options. CARe multilevel carpark (8-14 King Street Prahran), a 140-metre walk from COY will cost $16.00 to cover the timings of this event. Alternatively, weekend early bird (in before 10am, out after 3pm) parking at CARe Park Prahran Square, 30-40 Izett St, Prahran (Coles/Safeway), a 500m walk from COY, will come in at a flat rate of $12.00.
Public transport - tram: Both the number 6 tram & 78 tram stop on the corner of High St/Chapel St. This is stop 31 on the number 6 tram (Moreland/Glen Iris) & stop 45 on the number 78 tram (North Richmond/Balaclava).
Public transport - train: Both Prahran & Windsor stations along the Sandringham Line will get you walking distance to Centre of You.
Finding Centre of You: Centre of You is nestled within the arcade that Chapel St Bazaar is in (217 Chapel St). It is up a flight of stairs with a wide landing at the half-way-point. Unfortunately, this current version of Centre of You does not have a wheelchair accessible lift. If you could use support in getting up the stairs or would like to discuss ways to make your experience at Centre of You more comfortable, please reach out via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram.
Accessibility: At COY we aim to ensure our community and events are inclusive and accessible while alongside upholding the needs and responsibilities of our business and the businesses of our collaborating facilitators. Should you be in a time of financial challenge and unable to pay the full ticket price comfortably, please reach out to
Ticketing T&Cs: We get it, life happens, therefore we will gladly refund you up until 24hrs before the event start time. After that, we have a strict no refund/no transfer to future events policy. We kindly ask that you respect our policy.
If you are no longer able to attend and wish to pay forward your ticket to someone within the community, be in touch via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram.
Payment via Direct Deposit: If it would support you to reallocate Eventbrite booking fee costs elsewhere (to paid parking for example) and pay via direct deposit, reach out to to arrange.
Questions? Email or reach out via Instagram DM.
$290.00 Attendance ticket (early bird - ends 31 October),
$580.00 Constellation ticket (early bird - ends 31 October),
$320.00 Attendance ticket (general exchange),
$640.00 Constellation ticket (general exchange).