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COY is FOUR! A Merry Birthday Lovebubble Celebration in Sweet Community.

Dance, play, connect, celebrate, express and be merry in kindred community on summer solstice in celebration of Centre of You turning FOUR.


Sweet Centre of You (COY) is turning FOUR.


This gathering is in service to:

Connections new & existing

.... to the opportunity to experience LIFE

It's a night to PARTY. To have FUN.

We will take photos and laugh and be boisterous and talk with friends new and old. We'll dance barefoot on the ecstatic dancefloor curated and weaved by DJ Nectar (Madhu Honey). We'll throw biodegradable glitter around so it remains smooshed and seen in the carpet for a long time to come. We'll throw our arms up in sheer joy under falling confetti and celebrate life lived alongside one another thanks to COY's existence.

What to wear...

You do you boo. And also.... COY loves sparkles. And socks. And shades of golden browns. And COY loves to dress up once in a while. COY mama Grace is going to be DRESSING UP from the COY norm being socks, slides and slothwear and invites you to dress up too.

It's a night to REMEMBER. To reminisce. As a village.

We will hear about the COY journey so far. We'll sing to COY in CELEBRATION and APPRECIATION of COY's resilience and SHEER SURVIVAL after a year of two near deaths. We will share our dreams and visions for COY and wish COY's sweet spirit well, setting intentions for its THRIVING continued becoming.

It's a night to be SNAP HAPPY.

There will be many photos and videos taken throughout the night. COY understands that this is not to everyone's liking and generally COY is very accommodating to such boundaries / preferences. This night for COY however is akin to a birthday, a wedding, a momentous celebration - moments freely captured will be encouraged.


Upload any personal photos you love that have been taken at COY into this shared community photo folder. Ensure that you only drop pics / videos in that you are comfortable and consenting of being seen within the event and online. DROP PICTURES IN HERE.


The meaningful date on which we gather - Saturday 21 December

How synchronistic that COY's merry birthday lovebubble celebration lands upon the summer solstice. This gathering heralds the start of a fresh new chapter in COY's life. A chapter of greater reciprocity, celebration, abundance and realisation of it's infinite potential.


IF YOU FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE UNFOLDING OF THIS EVENT FINANCIALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY, BE IN CONTACT WITH COY-MAMA GRACE - i.e. offers of acoustic live music, a speech or gift of some sort presented to COY, audio-visual installation support (incl. light production), financial support for branded merchandise, event photography/videography, live sound recording capture of a community song, etc.

**COY has a dedicated team of legendary support SQUADDIES so no on-site support offers are required** BUT if you are a HANDYPERSON and could support with on-day / day-before installations be in contact.


About the ticket tiers:

This gathering is centred around reciprocity for COY's contribution to community. The ticket tiers follow a 'pay what you feel / donation' model. All funds graciously received will be allocated to COY's growing needs. There is an opportunity to donate to COY's continued evolution even if you are unable to tangibly make it to the party.

Things to note:

Centre of You has plenty of bolsters, blankets, and cushions for you to get cosy with during speeches. While we invite you to dress up, it is recommended to wear clothes comfortable enough to sit/lay upon the floor with ease, and of course dance throughout the night.

Centre of You is not a licensed venue: We will be CELEBRATING LIFE on this Saturday night down Chaps alcohol-free by getting high off our own supply. BYO Kombucha or other refreshing drinks if you like.

Children of COY: Children of COY community including babies in arms are most welcome. It will be loud however during the dance set towards the later part of the evening.

Arrival: Please arrive during the window of 7:00pm - 7:30pm. This event is due to finish at 11pm, however you are welcome to leave at any time during the event. This event will not be facilitated, however there will be components that invite whole group attention such as speeches and certain performances so we ask that you avoid leaving during those times.

Driving: Know Centre of You is on Chapel St and ample time to find a car spot is best to be factored into your plans. Park direct on Chapel St (spots unmetered after 5pm) or in Anchor Place, the open-air parking lot in the side street that runs opposite Centre of You (unmetered after 4pm).

Public transport - tram: Both the number 6 tram & 78 tram stop on the corner of High St/Chapel St. This is stop 31 on the number 6 tram (Moreland/Glen Iris) & stop 45 on the number 78 tram (North Richmond/Balaclava).

Public transport - train: Both Prahran & Windsor stations along the Sandringham Line will get you walking distance to Centre of You.

Finding Centre of You: Centre of You is nestled within the arcade that Chapel St Bazaar is in (217 Chapel St). It is up a flight of stairs with a wide landing at the half-way-point. Unfortunately, this current version of Centre of You does not have a wheelchair accessible lift. If you could use support in getting up the stairs or would like to discuss ways to make your experience at Centre of You more comfortable, please reach out via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram.

If you can no longer make it: Please communicate this to Grace out via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram so your place in the room can be opened up to somebody else.

Questions? Email or reach out via Instagram DM.

Tickets: Reserve your spot via a donation in support of COY’s future.

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