Join renowned conscious music artists Kate B and Lou Van Sone on a wonderful transformational musical experience. A joyful collaboration between these two renowned singers, multi-instrumentalists, sound healers, songwriters and facilitators. They share a deep love of music, fun and definitely laughter!
Stunning ethereal and shamanic vocals will weave a rich harmonic tapestry that will surround and soothe you, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and rejuvenated. You will be uplifted by moving inspirational songs, join your voice in song with infectious joy-infused chants and sink deeply into lush sonic soundscapes. Plus have some fun and laughs along the way.
What to expect:
Beautiful celestial and shamanic voices
Ethereal harp and soothing soundscapes
Inspiring songs and transformational chants
About your facilitators:
Kate B - @katebmusic
A singer for as long as she can remember, Kate has done everything musical short of playing in an orchestra! From blues to folk, festival stages, retreats and community choirs, she creates music that touches the soul and uplifts the heart, always with the invitation to join in. With Celtic harp, guitar and ukulele, you find words of peace, love and joy that float in melodious contemplation, songs to uplift the heart, to be still amongst and songs to slow dance. Seek rest for your soul no more, it is here.
Lou Van Stone - @lou.vanstone
Celestial singer, sound healer, multi-instrumentalist and composer, Lou Van Stone deeply moves and transforms audiences worldwide with her unique, soaring vocals, spanning a 5-octave range.
Described as a ‘Sonic Priestess’, Lou’s uplifting music quietens the busy mind. Intimately personal, soft yet powerful, relaxing yet energising, spontaneous yet purposeful. Attending a performance by Lou at some of the biggest Conscious Music Events and Festivals is reported by many to result in a profound metamorphosis at a deep, cellular level.
Lou channels divine music from deep in the earth and high in the heavens and breathes it into you. This transcends singing, it is sonic surgery. Truly music from the beyond, prepare to be transported to another dimension.
Things to note:
Centre of You has plenty of bolsters, blankets, and cushions for you to get cosy with. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose clothes to enable deep breathing and sitting/laying upon the floor with ease. A journal and an eye mask is recommended as are any familiar personal items that will aid you in feeling grounded (crystal, teddy, scarf, etc).
Arrival: Endeavour to arrive between 6:45pm - 7:00pm. To preserve the experience for all involved, doors will close at 7:15pm. Truly, it breaks our heart to have to turn latecomers away yet the disruption to the whole group experience by virtue of lateness does require management. We ask that you find understanding and consideration for the timebound nature of the container and make every effort to arrive on time.
Driving: Know Centre of You is on Chapel St and ample time to find a car spot is best to be factored into your plans. Park direct on Chapel St (spots unmetered after 5pm) or in Anchor Place, the open-air parking lot in the side street that runs opposite Centre of You (unmetered after 4pm).
Public transport - tram: Both the number 6 tram & 78 tram stop on the corner of High St/Chapel St. This is stop 31 on the number 6 tram (Moreland/Glen Iris) & stop 45 on the number 78 tram (North Richmond/Balaclava).
Public transport - train: Both Prahran & Windsor stations along the Sandringham Line will get you walking distance to Centre of You.
Finding Centre of You: Centre of You is nestled within the arcade that Chapel St Bazaar is in (217 Chapel St). It is up a flight of stairs with a wide landing at the half-way-point. Unfortunately, this current version of Centre of You does not have a wheelchair-accessible lift. If you could use support in getting up the stairs or would like to discuss ways to make your experience at Centre of You more comfortable, please reach out via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram.
Accessibility: At COY we aim to ensure our community and events are inclusive and accessible while upholding the needs and responsibilities of our business and partnering facilitators. Should you be in a time of financial challenge and unable to pay the full ticket price comfortably, please be in contact via Together we will find a way.
Ticketing T&Cs: We get it, life happens, therefore we will gladly refund you up until 24hrs before the event start time. After that, we have a strict no refund/no transfer to future events policy. If you are no longer able to attend and wish to pay forward your ticket to someone within the community, be in touch via or via DM over on Centre of You Instagram.
Questions? Email or reach out via Instagram DM.
Tickets: $55.00