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Urban Sleepover - Mystical Support Squad.

AWAKEN TO YOUR MYSTICAL SUPPORT SQUAD at this urban sleepover on Sunday March 13 (over Labour Day long weekend).

We all have access to a direct hotline to our mystical support squad. We all have the ability to initiate an intentional link into this connection. We all have the capability to dial-up the clarity of the infinite guidance and presence accessible to us by virtue of strengthening this connection.

Our mystical support squad eagerly awaits us to call upon them. To commune with them. To make ourselves available to receive their guidance.

Part of forging this supportive partnership comes down to asking for assistance. Our spirit team respects our sovereignty and awaits our leadership and will support silently from the sidelines until an overt request for assistance is made. Our spirit team will only partner with us when we permiss their energy, their involvement. We are in control of the flow of the connective tap. This offering is about turning up the flow of this tap.

Within this intimate and immersive experience:

Cacao Ceremony - we will partner with the spirit of cacao and be guided into presence where we are in our most receptive mode. Part of an effective partnership with inter-dimensional guidance comes down to our connection with our centre… our intuition. Learning the language of felt perception - the language of our soul communicated through our body for this is where the whispers of our mystical support squad land. By partnering with cacao medicine we will dive into our innerverse, activate our awareness and solidify our commitment to watch the whispers of our being as they are delivered from within and without for the remainder of this container.
- facilitated by Grace Elizabeth @centreofyou_chapelst

Floor Picnic - now with mama cacao merging with our inner-being, opening our heart, our mind, our spirit and our receptivity, we will move into connection with the alchemy of hearts gathered in this shared experience over a floor picnic dinner. Our meal will be one of reverence for mama pacha alongside the co-operative components of each contributing element externally in the creation of each ingredient and internally in the receivership and processing of it. All nourishment on offer will be vegan, gluten-free, nut-free.
- facilitated by Simone Vignacci @simone_aloha

Trance Channeling - once the sun has swapped positions with the moon we will enter into an experience whereby Bec, psychic, medium and trance channel will become a vessel for our spirit team to make themselves known to those who choose to be read for. Trance channeling is different to what is known of a medium in that with the delivery of messages, mannerisms, vocal inflictions and postures can be taken on of the energy in communication. It is possible to receive a message from a celestial being (Pleiadian, Lumerian), loved ones known (tangibly in this lifetime) or unknown (ancestors from past lives), a spirit guide or other inter-dimensional helper.
- facilitated by Bec Gauci @iamrebeccagauci

Red Pill Ritual - this somatic movement and release practice (ecstatic-type dance alongside the aid of shamanic release tools) will work to further process, integrate and ground us as we prepare to reintegrate with the world with our newfound learnings and connections to foster forever more should we choose.
- facilitated by Pat McDonald @leaderswithspirit

This will be a special alchemy among the kindred in heart and mind where content of a typically taboo nature and interactions had in relationship with the mystical will be brought into light within a loving and accepting space. Numerous sharing and processing circles will be weaved into this experience. Safe space psychologically, spiritually and physically is of utmost importance and will be built into the foundations of time shared in this particular togetherness.

Informed choice:
** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance it’s important to note that this offering is exempt from requiring proof of vaccine status in alignment with ceremony conducted in community centre government guidelines. To ensure ample spacing, numbers are being limited to well below the official density recommendation. We ask that the health and safety of our community is considered and to be in contact for a refund should you feel unwell or are known to have been exposed to Covid.**

What to bring:
+ Your journal and a pen with ample ink! There will be many opportunities to take notes.
+ A soft surface to sleep upon. A blow-up air mattress or foam mattress for example. Email Grace if this is something you do not have access to.
+ Your favourite crystals, teddy, etc that may aid in creating a cosy, familiar, settled space for your exploration.

+ Ceremonial cacao
+ Two nourishing vegan meals (dinner and breakfast)
+ Blankets, bolsters, mats, cushions

What to do:
+ email Grace ( with any dietary requirements upon booking (allergies and intolerances). As mentioned previously, the nourishment on offer will be vegan, gluten-free, nut-free.
+ Endeavour to arrive at COY by 5:15pm to settle into the space for 5:30pm commencement.

+ Park in Achor Place open-air parking. You will be able to leave your car there until 11am the following morning.

$222. Early-bird rate for first 2 spots $175.
Know that we are open to sponsoring you in part if you feel this offering is of resonance yet is not accessible due to the energy exchange. Please reach out to Grace for a discussion via or through a DM over on instagram.

March 10

Kundalini Dance.

March 15

Coyunity Collective - Shamanic Drumming Circle.