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Clearing Past Lovers & Calling in the Soulmate.

“What you seek is seeking you”. - Rumi.

This workshop is devoted to helping you release energetic ties of the heart and mind still linked to past lovers and open your heart, making you open, receptive and available to calling in a divine partner.

Cacao Ceremony:

Cacao is a plant medicine which aids in opening our hearts and allowing the unveiling of the heart’s shadows. We will partner with the spirit of cacao as we drop into the heart space and undertake this heart-work. The ceremonial-grade cacao offered is sourced from the cacao seeds of native trees Manabi, Ecuador.

Please advise if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, on heart medication and/or anti-depressants so we can adjust your dosage and check-in with you.

Part One: Clearing & Charging your Arcline to Welcome in Love

Everyone deserves to experience a high vibrational relationship - to love and be loved in return.

Our arcline is our connection to the divine — when strong, the Universe delivers. We strengthen the arcline with committed, steady practice (Sadhana), being in community (Sangat), and through the power of prayer.

The arcline exists as a halo of energy, stretching from ear to ear over the crown of the head. Women have an extra arcline that is located from nipple to nipple. This additional arcline holds the imprint of past relationships. Clearing this second arcline, dissolves pining for lovers past, and redirects focus upon calling in your divine true love.

The second arcline is extremely sensitive in its ability to perceive, protect, and project. Any sexual encounter is deeply felt in the arcline giving way to karmic imprinting and the energy field becoming blended with those of past sexual partners.

The arcline contains our destiny, our karma, our subconscious baggage, and the imprint of every sexual experience we’ve ever had. It is essential to draw upon practices that can clear away some of that which doesn't serve in this space, a space that can then be filled with a true, wholesome heart connection.

Part One: What’s involved:

In kundalini yoga we draw upon mantras and meditations that involve moving the hands and arms through the arclines to clear and charge the arclines.

Mantras include: ‘Wahe Guru Wahe Jio, Sa Ta Na Ma Mangala Saag Bhai-aa’ to call in the divine soulmate and overcome loneliness.

Part Two: What is Karma and Dharma?

We explore the theories of karma and dharma and use the tools of kundalini yoga to clear the karma of our past lovers and extending it to all lifetimes. We look at how we are using our karma with our past lovers and how we can use it in calling in our soulmate.

The word “karma” means “action,” not “fate.” In Buddhism, karma is an energy created by willful action, through thoughts, words and deeds.

We will be doing a deep meditation on clearing and also a mediation for blessings. We send this blessing to your divine partner and ask that they come forward to start this journey with you as you make yourself a vessel for peace and light.

Part Two: What’s involved:

Mantras include: ‘Mangala Saag Bhai-aa’ to call in a divine soulmate and overcome yearning for unconditional, permanent, forever love, unifying with the divine and with your significant other. Secondly ‘So Purkh’ to clear the imprint of karmic relationships.

You’ll Love this Workshop if:

  • You’re ready to release the weight and karma of past relationships by clearing energetic ties

  • You’re learning to deepen the love you have for yourself - key to attracting love into your life

  • You’re seeking a divine, conscious relationship

  • You believe you can take change of and create your destiny

  • You’re ready to create space for your soulmate to arrive into your life

  • You have a desire to deepen your connection and dissolve any negativity with your current partner to elevate your relationship to new heights

  • You enjoy Kundalini Yoga

  • You believe in magic

Things to note:

  • If you already have a soulmate this workshop will help you deepen your relationship

  • This workshop is non-denominative. The mantras used apply to all genders and sexual orientations. Love is love.

  • Bring water to hydrate your body temple and wear comfortable clothes.

  • Please eat a light meal the morning of.

  • High vibe snacks will be provided.

Informed choice:

** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance it’s important to note that this offering is exempt from requiring proof of vaccine status in alignment with ceremony conducted in community centre government guidelines. To ensure ample spacing, numbers are being limited to below the official density recommendation. We ask that the health and safety of our community is considered and to be in contact for a refund should you feel unwell or are known to have been exposed to Covid.**

Connect with your facilitators:

Grace of Centre of You | Centre of You Instagram

Daya of Daya Kundi | Daya Kundi Instagram

Half-Day Workshop Details and Tickets:
11am - 4pm
$155, all materials, ceremonial cacao and high-vibe snacks provided

Eventbrite booking fees come in at $14.60 on top of workshop cost. If it would help you to save here and perhaps reallocate funds to paid parking for the duration of the workshop so you don’t need to leave the space at all, be in touch to pay via bank deposit - Should you be in a transient time of financial need though would like to come along to participate in this heart-work, please be in contact so together we can find a solution.

February 3

Crafternight - Sacred Smudging Tool Creation Ceremony.

February 6

Kirtan & Cacao Ceremony (Sun Hyland) - held at private residence in Caulfield North.