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Getting Grateful - Consciously Choosing the High Vibe Energy of Gratuity

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” - Eckhart Tolle

The choice is always accessible within us to turn our mind to gratitude… seemingly simple perhaps when all feels well in the world, though essentially important during transient times of challenge.

During this nurturing and fun evening, we will marinate in the creational, expansive energy of positive expectation as practical guidance is offered on consciously igniting our thought choices to gather momentum in the direction of gratitude and appreciation.

This is a space where the high vibrational energies of play and joy, eagerness, connection, passion and appreciation are accessed and amplified. It’s a space where we will learn to effortlessly tune our perception to seek and find blessings in all situations, from the most joyous to the most heart wrenchingly painful.

This is not about being positive to the point of losing sight of reality or spiritual bypassing. This is about acknowledging and feeling all that arises throughout any experience with authenticity while attuning to the gifts seeking to be realised by virtue of soul growth.

We will anchor in our newfound knowing with the healing frequencies of sound healing, participative chanting, drumming and light movement. These somatic components will assist in guiding you into the depths of gratitude and activate all learned on a cellular level of remembrance enabling you to draw upon these expansive frequencies in your imminent future and beyond.

Ensure that you arrive by 6:15pm to visit the bathroom, receive an optional sage energetic clearing bath and cosy into the space. Due to the nature of this event late admittance is not possible and booking in advance is essential.

“It’s not gratitude that brings us happiness. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” Buddhist proverb

What to bring and wear:

We will provide bolsters, blankets and cushions ready for you to melt into upon your arrival.

Optional: anything familiar that may make you feel more at home. i.e. a special blanket/cushion/grounding crystal/something from your home alter that can absorb the energy of this evening

Required: a water bottle for temple hydration, your journal + pen

Wear: recommended are comfy clothes that allow ease of light movement and sitting on the floor (chairs are too available) though you do you boo!

About your heart-led facilitators holding this sacred space:

Vanessa Makris

Vanessa is a Sound Healer, Circle Facilitator and Cacao Ceremonialist. Vanessa offers live in person group experiences, and private sessions designed to support people in their unique self discovery journey and transformation. Cultivating connection and operating from a place of integrity are the pillars of Vanessa’s events. Her intention in holding space is to build a container of safety and activate a remembrance of your inner magic through connection to earth and self.

Instagram: Vanessa in the Vortex

Grace Elizabeth

Grace Elizabeth is a Consciousness Flow-Coach, Ceremonialist and lion-hearted leader of Centre of You, her greatest intentional manifestation and her legacy in the making. Centre of You is a multi-modal centre for personal empowerment and healing amongst kindred community. Modalities and events on offer include shamanic breathwork, sound healings, kirtan and cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance, workshops, immersions, circles and conscious speed dating. Grace has a particular passion in empowering hearts to reclaim and ignite their intrinsic co-creational power as mistress/master of their own destiny.

Instagram: Centre of You

Informed choice:
** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance it’s important to note that this offering is exempt from requiring proof of vaccine status in alignment with ceremony conducted in community centre government guidelines. To ensure ample spacing, numbers are being limited to below the official density recommendation. We ask that the health and safety of our community is considered and to be in contact for a refund should you feel unwell or are known to have been exposed to Covid.**

For accessibility we are offering two exchange tiers:
I am grateful that my financial needs are met - $49
I am grateful for support during this time of need - $36
To claim your bolster, click ticket link below xx

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ZENINN VIBRATIONS - an early evening sound bath ceremony.

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