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Let Your Dream Life Appear - New Year, New MoonVision Boarding Workshop.

Set yourself up for success by defining and declaring that 2022 is the year that you step boldly and courageously into living a heart-led life by design and Let Your Dream Life Appear.

Start the year off with this powerful ritual of creation in an intentionally carved out space for envisioning. Our dreams are immeasurably powerful and have not dropped into our awareness by accident. They have done so seeking to be claimed and realised. We do after all contain within us the choice to activate our creational power as mistress/master of our own destiny.

Cacao Ceremony:
We will sit in meditation with the plant ally of Ecuadorian cacao (Cacao Amor) in a ceremony to call upon our mystical team in the unseen. Before defining and declaring our dream life, we first must listen to its calling from our innermost essence - our heart. By intentionally making ourselves available as a vessel to receive through us words, ideas, guidance, messages and inspiration, we partner with the source of all creation that dwells within us to reveal via a journaling practice that which will step us towards a life lived in alignment.

Please advise if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, on heart medication or MAOI or SSRI based anti-depressants so we can adjust your dosage and check-in with you.

Alchemising in our vision board:
We will create. Slowly. Intentionally. Introspectively. There is no rush. We will create in partnership with the spirit of cacao now nestled within our being. Synchronistically, sources of imagery will appear for us. Our vision board will be a take-home tangible representation of our envisioning ritual to be placed somewhere frequently visible (home alter for example). The imagery alchemised upon it will aid in accessing through our sense of sight, a cue to anchor us into experiencing the feeling tone of what we desire prior to its actual manifestation.

Speaking our vision into existence:
We will share. We will speak our vision, hear it through the sense of sound, be witnessed in the spelling out of it as we send it as our order to the universe. We will demonstrate to the universe our commitment and availability to receive our dream life by defining inspired action steps we will take in moving us towards it with universal support.

What to bring and wear:

Provided: Ceremonial cacao and all crafternoon materials; A3 card, magazines, books, glue, sharpies, stickers, tape, scissors. Should you have specific elements for inclusion that you would like to print or gather from home or the earth, bring those along
Optional: a crystal (clear quartz recommended for gaining clarity on your desires and aligning your vibration to them) that can absorb the high vibe creational energy of this evening
Required: a water bottle for temple hydration, journal + pen

About your heart-led facilitator holding this sacred space:

Grace Elizabeth is a Consciousness Flow-Coach, Ceremonialist and lion-hearted leader of Centre of You, her greatest intentional manifestation and her legacy in the making. Centre of You is a multi-modal centre for personal empowerment and healing amongst kindred community. Modalities and events on offer include shamanic breathwork, sound healings, kirtan and cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance, workshops, immersions, circles and conscious speed dating. Grace has a particular passion in empowering hearts to reclaim and ignite their intrinsic co-creational power as mistress/master of their own destiny.

Informed choice:
** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance it’s important to note that this offering is exempt from requiring proof of vaccine status in alignment with ceremony conducted in community centre government guidelines. To ensure ample spacing, numbers are being limited to below the official density recommendation. We ask that the health and safety of our community is considered and to be in contact for a refund should you feel unwell or are known to have been exposed to Covid.**

Arrive in the energy of expansive, limitless thinking. Exchange: $50 including booking fees, concession $40 including booking fees via discount code 'dreamlife'.

Arrive by 5:45pm to visit the bathroom and settle in before we commence ceremony. To claim your bolster, click ticket link below xx

December 29

Getting Grateful - Consciously Choosing the High Vibe Energy of Gratuity

January 13

Heartstrings - a spoken word, cacao & sound ceremony.