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Deep Release - Blue Lotus Tea & Sound Ceremony.

Deep Release - Blue Lotus Tea & Sound Ceremony.

A Sacred Shamanic Tea journey with a guided alchemised Sound Healing for a deep release of transmutable and healing energies.

We welcome you to a beautiful Sunday Ceremony to initiate and open you up and into a deep state of release.

We invite those who are seeking to release any blocks that may be hindering them from moving and obtaining a higher vibrational frequency that is necessary to birth a new way of living, a new Earth. For those who are wanting to deepen their relationship with themselves and their connection to the Great Spirit, this is a beautiful way to claim your path.

The Ceremony's intention is to bring one into a stronghold of alignment with the Divine, and into alignment with their truest self, aiding to draw forward the highest path one can walk. We do this by seeing clearly what needs to be cleared, purified, and cleansed from our body, mind and life. This ceremony is a practice for those who are wishing to see what is needing their attention, and then as we meet this part of ourselves, in a beautiful sound healing and shamanic healing, we will be able to integrate and rise up. We wish for all to see themselves with love and kindness. You'll find yourself floating in your own state of relaxation at your most receptive vibration as you come home to your heart space.


Tenille will open the space with trained shamanic ritual, where I will draw in all the elements, energy from nature and the higher spirits I work with and the Eagle Medicine. Tenille opens and closes the space channelling high levels of energy to allow you to feel safe to move forward in your personal healing journey. This is an open space where we invite you to feel completely secure in this protective and safe container.


Blue Lotus is natural plant remedy and is known by many as tea of intuition. It can assist in opening the heart and connecting us to our inner authority and inner knowing. As you sit with an intimate group, the Divine Medicine and Spirit of the plant will work through you, aiding you to enter into our inner eye to see clearly the things that you are holding onto, the aspects of self that are in need of love, attention, insight and integration. Blue Lotus Medicine works well to relax the body and mind to allow a channel of insight into the psyche.

Journeying - As we sit with the tea, we will move into a shamanic drumming journey and allow whatever needs to be seen, acknowledged and communicated to be integrated and set free.

Sound Healing - With the aid of Julie's triad of Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls, you will move on from the drum journey where you will be deepening your journey within the angelic space with her. You will be gently guided through the release and yield to the light, inviting you to drop into deep relaxation and receival - this is where you'll truly 'zeninn'.

Tenille will assist you energetically as a collective, as will Julie with her connection to the energies of the singing bowls. Sound has the ability to draw us up into certain frequencies and tap into a higher "mind" which allows us to see clearly and to move through life from a higher perspective. In this state, you are more able to lift your spirit higher and align with your body, the mind and the emotional body, to access your higher potential and the higher embodiment of your incarnation.

Circle - Once we come back to the present physical reality, we will sit together in circle to allow expression and sharing of your experience. Sharing is welcome, but optional. Sharing can help the integration process, connecting you with love and kindness.

Closing - We traditionally close the ceremony by giving thanks, in prayer and gratitude. We will have a water blessing and finalise our time together by drawing all the energy together and giving it back to the Great Spirit, Earth, Pachamama and our higher counsels of light that aided us through this process.

Blue Lotus is known to:

- Open the third eye, encourage heightened awareness, envoke a deep meditative state, move energy from the root to the crown, and ease tension in the physical and subtle bodies…

What to wear and things to note

- traditionally white is worn during ceremony (or light colours if you can), comfort is key - wear light and loose, but warm clothing

- something to cover your eyes is highly recommended,

- your journal and a pen, and a water bottle is encouraged,

- in consideration of others with allergies, please refrain from using strong perfume/cologne where possible.

There will be blankets, yoga mats, bolsters, cushions available for your perusal, for you to feel comfortable and cosy during the session, although you are welcome to bring your own comforts or symbolic objects such as crystals you may =feel drawn to connect with during your healing journey.

What you will leave with:

- small shamanic gift, lots of love, openness, a relaxed mindset,THIRD EYE CLEAR, HEART OPEN, MIND READY

About your heart-led facilitators holding this sacred space:

Tenille from Daughters of Pachmama is a shaman/shamanka and practices shamanic medicine. Tenille has the ability to move between the realms, making a contact with the Great Spirit to be of service to the expansion and betterment of the world. She holds the ability to retrieve information/energy/power and anchor it in the Earth’s Plane for the healing and prosperity purposes of human expansion.

A shaman takes several decades to come into their full mantle as a healer. For Tenille, the process as a medicine woman has been going on for a decade and will continue for many decades to come.

Shamans have made a contract to honour the Earth and lead the way in keeping a connection with the divine mother alight. Shamans have a deep sensory perception of nature and the unseen within nature. Working directly with these energies, a personal relationship with nature as it flows through the shaman allows, this tunning is sacred and many teachings are passed through the realms of nature to the Shaman. The shaman shows that we are all indigenous to this land. We are all children of Pachamama. Like those in the Animal Kingdom and Plant Kingdom, as well as the finer frequencies that live within the elements and that are the elements themselves.

Tenille offers a range of modalities. From shorter sessions to more in depth and expansive exchanges. Each healing session and appointment is approached with the sacred intention of the Eagle Medicine.

Julie from (Instagram) | (website) is a Reiki and Sound frequency Healing practitioner and a 1:1 SoulNar Sound and Energy Therapist.

Being guided to be the instrument of peace and harmony, is created for everyone to receive the Universal healing energy and have the opportunity to be immersed in the vibrational healing frequencies through sound using angelic Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for all her collaborations as she knows they are truly potent and powerful.

zeninn is created purposely with two n's which represents going much deeper than just going 'in'. This is what Julie wants you to feel as you melt into your own frequency with the aid of the Alchemy Crystal singing bowls. The 'space' to which you'll travel is to your inner sanctuary. Your heart. Your home.

Julie's journey began when she felt that there was a much deeper knowing to understanding herself. Stepping inwardly by trusting in herself, Julie's intuition guided her to a holistic approach through energy practices where she was truly able to connect to her inner peace and love. Her transformational path varied from meditation, energy and frequency healings to connecting with like-minded teachings of many modalities. Julie was inspired to share her experiences with others and help people tune in to themselves and guide kindred souls through beautiful sound healing meditations in a group setting as well.

Julie comes from a heart space and leads with love and kindness. The way she sees it, do everything with love, and all will be divinely guided.

Informed choice:

** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance - All is welcome. We are equal. We are one with the Universe.

Tickets are limited!

$80 tickets available here on eventbrite plus booking fee - click on the 'Tickets' button.

Alternatively, if you wish to purchase ticket with a lesser booking fee ($1.50), please visit Daughters of Pachmama website where this has been made abundantly available for your convenience.

We have priced this event at a lower price to enable all to come and participate. For anyone who does want to attend but is unable to pay the full amount, please send us a message on 0466 612 945 and we can arrange a lower amount of pay what you can.

Arrive by 11.50am to visit the bathroom, settle in.. have a breather.. before we commence ceremony.

To claim your Deep Release spot, get your tickets now.

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Deep Release - Blue Lotus Tea & Sound Ceremony.

Deep Release - Blue Lotus Tea & Sound Ceremony.

Allow yourself to be welcomed into a beautiful Sunday morning ceremony that journeys you into a deep state of release. 

We invite those who may be seeking to release blocks hindering them from obtaining a higher vibrational frequency, necessary in the birth of this new way of living, a new Earth. For those who are wanting to deepen their relationship with themselves and their connection to the Great Spirit.

The intention here is to bring one into a strong hold of alignment with Divine, alignment with their truest self and aiding to draw forward the highest path one can walk. We do this by seeing clearly what needs to be cleared, purified, cleansed from our body, mind and life. This ceremony is a practice for those who are wishing to see what is needing their attention and then as we meet this part of ourselves in a beautiful sound healing and shamanic healing, we will be able to integrate and rise up. We wish for all to see themselves with love and kindness.

Opening - Tenille of Daughters of Pachamama, will open the space with a trained shamanic ritual, where she will draw in all the elements, energy from nature and the higher spirits she works with along with Eagle Medicine.

Blue Lotus will be the tea served during the ceremony. Blue Lotus Botanical is the tea of intuition and will help us to open our hearts, our inner authority and inner knowing. As we sit with an intimate group, the Divine Medicine and Spirit of the plant will work through us. Aiding us to enter into our inner eye to see clearly the things that we are holding onto, the aspects of us that are in need of our love, attention and integration. Blue Lotus Medicine works well to relax the body and mind to allow a channel of insight into the psyche. 

Journeying - As we sit with the tea, we will move into a shamanic drumming journey to locate the aspect that is lost, wounded and needing of our attention. The beat of the drum will connect you to you inside world. You will find yourself in a surrendered and willing energy to reclaim your holy self.

Sound Healing - With the use of Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls you will deepen your journey within the angelic space with Julie of Sound has the ability to draw us up into certain frequencies and tap into a higher "mind" this allows us to see clearly and to move through life from a higher perspective. This is where you lift your spirit higher and align the body, the mind and emotional body to the higher embodiment of your incarnation.

Circle- once we come back to the present physical reality, we will sit together in circle to invite expression and sharing of our experience. This will help the integration process and connect us with love and kindness.

Closing - Tenille will traditionally close the ceremony giving thanks, in prayer and gratitude. We will have a water blessing and finalise our time together through drawing all the energy together and giving it back to the Great Spirit, Earth, Pachamama and our higher counsels of light that aided us through this process.

Opens Third Eye | Heightened Awareness | Deep Meditation | Moves energy from the root to crown | Eases Tension

- light and loose but warm clothing-  traditionally white is worn during ceremony (optional)
- something to cover your eyes (highly recommended)
- water bottle
- tissues
- journal and pen 

Note: There will be blankets, yoga mats, bolsters, cushions available for your perusal.
Optional: Bring your own comforts - cushion, blanket, journal, a crystal you feel drawn to connect with during your healing journey.

To learn more about your heart-led facilitators holding this sacred space click on Eventbrite listing via link below. 

Informed choice:

** To assist you in making an informed choice on your attendance it’s important to note that this offering is exempt from requiring proof of vaccine status in alignment with ceremony conducted in community centre government guidelines. To ensure ample spacing, numbers are being limited to below the official density recommendation. We ask that the health and safety of our community is considered and to be in contact for a refund should you feel unwell or are known to have been exposed to Covid.**

All is welcome. We are equal. We are one with the Universe.


$99 plus booking fee. EARLY BIRD $75. For anyone who does want to attend but is unable to pay the full amount, please send a message to Tenille on 0466 612 945 and we can arrange a lower amount of pay what you can.

Arrive by 10.50am to visit the bathroom, settle in.. have a breather.. before we commence ceremony.

Julie and Tenille look forward to connecting you in this sacred journey. Join here.

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